Transformed Lives, Fulfilled Purposes

Brittney's Journey with the Excuses to Execution Program
Brittney shares her transformative experience in the Excuses to Execution program led by Dr. Sharla Walker. From identifying barriers to implementing effective plans, she found the tools and community support she needed to operate in excellence across all areas of her life.

Revitalizing Bible Study with Realness and Relevance
"Dr. Sharlaaaaa sis you are such a blessing. You are gift. I live for your bible studies . I look forward to them cause studying the Bible is really hard for me . But it’s the way you break things down and relate it modern times that makes it enjoyable not churchy. If that makes sense. I have never been excited about bible study like this. Chileee my edges didn’t appreciate you coming for them last night . So I had to put my wrap on for protection when I went to bed . Gworl you got me together okay ... I will be rewatching. Just wanted to show you so love sis . You are doing it!"
A Safe Space For Spiritual Growth
"I really enjoy Bible Study with Dr. Sharla Walker. What I like about her style is that she is real and explains things in a way that I can understand, but she doesn't water the Bible down. I also love that these Bible Studies are a safe way to ask questions. I love how she challenges us but does it in a way that is full of love."